By Manusekhar Somasekharan Nair, India
Category: Leaders’ Views on Servant Leadership at UST
Arya Nair, UST,India
Kumari Asha Rani, UST, India
Servant Leadership is not a new term or a new leadership philosophy. It has been around for many years now, but it is being “re-discovered”, as organizations are driven by agile teams that need to be empowered with the power to make their own decisions.
UST has embraced Servant Leadership as the overarching Leadership philosophy as this leadership philosophy helps us keep the employees at the center of everything we do, and balances beautifully between Results and Relationships.
Servant-leadership encourages leaders to enable their team to become successful, by becoming coaches and guides who harnessing the collective power of a team to achieve a set of agreed outcomes. It helps create and offer a participatory environment, to help build a more cohesive culture, improve employee experience, and nurture innovation in the organization from the grass roots upwards.
Let’s listen to Dr Madana Kumar, our Global Head for Leadership Development and a well known Servant Leadership evangelist, talk about Servant Leadership and it’s relevance for UST: